Hello friends! My name is Leigh Odynski, and I am a mom to three kiddos, three dogs, two cats, and wife to one hubby! My family lives in the Mohave Desert, otherwise known as Las Vegas, Nevada. I went back to college, while working in the ICU, when my youngest was one. I graduated as Valedictorian of the class of 2002, with a degree in Design.
I started crafting in 1998, when my daughter was born, and now 20 years later I am still at it. Although, I did take a 16 year break to raise the kids, then started to pursue my crafty endeavors daily in 2015. My best crafty tip was uttered in an interview for the Living Inspired podcast by Tracie Claiborne. I said, “I have to remember daily, that I choose my mindset. I think, “I get to” play with my art supplies everyday, instead of “I have to”. This positive attitude can apply to other areas of my life, for instance, laundry, and cooking and cleaning! 🙂 My favorite crafty tool is a punch in any shape. I think punches are the most versatile tool, and can be used to transform paper into art.
I first heard of The Reset Girl™, during her now famous “Midori 101” video. I loved her voice, personality, and information! Who knew, years later, my friend Claudia would inquire about me trying out for her team!
I store my The Reset Girl™supplies in 1) letter size file folders 2) a planner bag, and 3) a planner tote.
I love how easy it is to store TRG supplies! It doesn’t take much room at all, and my system utilizes portable totes so that I can play anywhere in my house or yard.
Letter size file folders, in hanging files in my craft room drawers, hold all my printed TRG sheets. It is easy to grab a tote, and a file, and create anywhere. I hand wrote the names and dates of the kits on the file tabs, but the TRG labels are cuter!
The Crafty Club Playbook fits inside the planner bag from Hobby Lobby. I also store my Hobonichi style B6 Edit Notebook in here, along with a few more TRG supplies in her exclusive planner pouch. There is room for plenty more pens, and supplies!
You can keep roller stamps in a little bowl, to store in your planner tote. I would love to print and cut the new cut files and house them in the planner bag, since they are half-letter size!
My selfie was taken at the end of the Self-Care Glamping Retreat with The Reset Girl, and if you ever get the chance to go, do it! It was such a fun retreat!
IG: https://www.instagram.com/
FB: ArtfulLeighStampinOnEveryt
Blog: http://www.
YouTube: https://m.youtube.
Pinterest: artfulleigh
I don’t think people realise us in the UK don’t get anything like you do in the USA, and you tease us (not in a horrible way) the stuff you can get cheap. If we want anything like you buy from Michaels or Hobby Lobby that cost you under $10, our shipping alone would be $60 and that is if we could order online. You are so lucky to live in USA. I want to live there just for craft and stationary xx
I think it’s a great wake up call for us to be more appreciative of the shops we have, so thank you for this comment. Also, there is enough room here for you… come join us in the US!