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Inserts >> Faithful Girl Planner B&W: God Time


This printable collection designed by The Reset Girl is the complete Faithful Girl Planner Collection and is intended to be used for growing your faith, spending time in the Word and spending time with the Lord.


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This insert collection was designed to help you grow your faith, spend time in the Word and develop a closer walk with the Lord.

God Time: I developed these simple inserts for your daily time with the Lord. After spending most of my Christian life not knowing how to really pray, I discovered a wonderful book that introduced the acronym PRAY (Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield) as the model for our daily prayers. Using this framework you now have a tool for making your prayer time more focused and effective.

How I use them: Each morning, I fill out my daily God Time page in advance of my quiet time. I reference my Gratitude Log to add some of these to my Praise section. I jot in things that come to mind for repenting, but leave things open during prayer to add more as the Holy Spirit may place things on my heart.  I reference my Prayer Log and add a few of these prayers to my Ask section. Yield is where I sit back and let the Lord speak to me. I may jot down an impression or thought that comes to mind during this time. The back of the insert has a place for jotting down distracted thoughts. Write it down to get it out of your head, and then keep praying!

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