In late 2018 I announced we would be launching an awesome goals-themed camp for 2019, which sounded so awesome because goal setting is a passion of mine. I have successfully accomplished many, many goals, big and small, sometimes simultaneously. I have a huge library of resources and follow many gurus in this field and honestly thought that putting this kind of camp together would be a breeze.
I had every intention of building this amazing experience, but no matter how many times I would make a stab it, I would feel like I was missing the mark. I just couldn’t make this topic a FUN camp experience, blending work with the things everyone loved about Camp Reset. I struggled to figure out a way to infuse that imaginative fun into this topic. And I even had help. My generous friend Angela sat on the phone with me for hours on multiple occasions trying to help me sort through all the things and shape it into a camp experience.
As the weeks passed and the launch deadline was fast approaching, I was beginning to feel like a failure every day…I just couldn’t face the fact I would be letting everyone down when I had got people so excited for winter camp. It really crushed me that I was headed for certain failure.
And finally, the day came that I just had to accept defeat. And I got really down, becoming depressed over the whole situation.
The one thing I kept thinking is, ‘Why did you pick such a hard topic to do for camp? Why didn’t you just pick something fun?’ I had made it so hard for myself picking a work topic over a fun one. I wish I could have turned back the clock and done it differently.
In the meantime, I started thinking about summer camp and how this year I wanted to do something a little different and maybe pick a different focus than self-care just to mix things up. One thing I remembered from the feedback I got when Camp Reset ended was that creativity was the favorite focus of camp.
As I was talking on the phone to my friend very recently, the answer to the entire dilemma just dropped into my head all at once (which is often how I feel God gives me revelation) and hit me like lightning…
Make summer camp a CRAFTY camp and make winter camp a SELF-CARE camp!
An entire 6-week camp experience focused on crafting and learning how to do fun projects, use new tools and learn crafty techniques? Yes, please!
So while I have failed at putting together a 2019 winter camp, there is a silver lining after all.
On June 1st we are going to launch our very first Camp Wanna Craft at beautiful Lake Reset. This 6-week online experience will focus on creativity and crafting, inspire you with some unique projects, and will feature our awesome TRG Creative Team members as well.
Featuring prerecorded videos you can watch at your own pace plus over 20 LIVE events, Camp Wanna Craft is going to be a fun way to bond with other community members, help you gain confidence with your creativity and allow that inner 12-year old of yours to come out to play!
NEW for 2020 we will launch our beloved Self-Care adventure, held at beautiful Reset Village. If you loved Camp Reset, this 6-week online camp will offer the same self-care focus but in a winter setting. It’s a perfect time to set those self-care goals for your year and start off strong. Featuring prerecorded videos and over 20 LIVE events, this camp will be a wonderful way to reset for 2020!
Please know it is never my intention to disappoint my beloved community. I learned a big lesson with this situation and will be very thoughtful about how I plan events for our community in the future. I want our adventures to create meaningful change in your life and inspire you wherever you are in the world. At the same time, I want them also to infuse your life with fun and playful imagination.
We will be launching our brand new website early this year and introducing a whole new online workshop platform we call Reset University. It is on this platform we will be releasing classes and workshops to help you reset your life, creativity and faith. We are so excited to offer a whole new buffet of offerings and we will update everyone when the first class is ready to go.
Thank you SO MUCH for being part of our community and we hope to see you at Camp this summer! It is going to be an amazing experience that you won’t forget!
This feels like a great plan and I look forward to explore what 2019 brings when it comes to all the TRG experiences, including the camps.
I also learned a few lesson for myself from you in this and gained a role model in you for how you can practice authenticity through transparency and honesty. Thx!
You never disappoint. Bummed to hear you were stressed over it. There is so much content right now..loving it all. This way we can enjoy and dive in the craftybook . Also if anyone sends bad vibes… ignore. There will always be one. Best to you and your beautiful family. Your playmate, Ramona
This is such awesome news Cori! Both camps sound perfect! After all the Holiday hustle bustle , I’m going to be ready for a Self-Care Reset!
This sounds like a wonderful idea!!!
Sounds like a good idea. I will now pack away my winter camp set up and it will be ready for next year. Kind of works well since I have several projects starting. So glad the Lord made it work and you have peace again!
The workshops may be a great way to offer a series on goal setting.
Thanks for all you do!
Cori, thank you for your explanation. No judgment here! I’m so glad that you had discernment. Because it would do no good if you did not take care of yourself and listen to what God‘s plans are for you. I am sad as you are but I am so looking forward to June and for what 2020 holds for all of us in our community. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help YOU. I love you, Victoria
Cori- Don’t be so hard on yourself! I can say this because I’m an expert at self-beatings. You can’t disappoint us. You didn’t let us down. You are a giving, special, amazing person! Thank you for ALL you do!!!
Hi..In December of 2018 I purchased the first “Play Book.” the confirmation came to my email address however it was mistakenly sent to trash and and deleated now I can not print anything out. At the time I was in California and couldn’t download it to my computer at home so I just left the confirmation in my mail box. Now its gone. How can I retreave it?
Hi there, if you log-in to your reset girl account and check “downloads” from the log-in page, you should be able to find it; along with all your other purchases.